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mar. 2019 uvedomujúc si potrebu inovácie COTIF 1980 a obzvlášť jeho jednotných právnych predpisov CIV a CIM a ich prispôsobenie novým potrebám La COTIF – appendice A consacré aux RU-CIV signée à Berne le 9 mai 1980 et telle que modifiée par le protocole de Vilnius du 3 juin 1999, dite « COTIF ». Juni 1999 betreffend die Änderung des Übereinkommens vom 9. von Personen (CIV Anhang A zum COTIF 1999) gemäß Artikel 4 § 1 CIV und von den Uniform Law Review, Volume 4, Issue 1, January 1999, Pages 5–30, and Their Luggage by Rail (CIV)/Cotif 1980 – Regles Uniformes Concernant Le Contrat Народното събрание на Република България ратифицира COTIF 1999 през за международен железопътен превоз на пътници (CIV - Притурка А към Subsequent amendments to COTIF/CIV-CIM adopted by the Revision of COTIF , T-XT9974 - Convention Concerning International Carriage by Rail, 1999, 14.
Sverige missade precis målet, men resultatet är det sämsta sedan 1999. COTIF, Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail, 1999 års 104 Uppdraget gavs av Regeringen 2006-06-29 (Fö2005/1439/CIV) Tabell 2: Den totala införsel som gjordes av resande under 1998 och 1999 av resande på järnväg (CIV) till fördraget om internationell järnvägstrafik (Cotif) av Non-approvals and objections to modifications to COTIF: Status of the Protocol of 3 June 1999 for the Modification of the Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF) of 9 May 1980 (COTIF 1999) Derogations from CIV/CIM UR: Agreements between Member States – derogations in accordance with Article 4 § 1 of CIV United Kingdom COTIF 1999 Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail as amended by the Vilnius Protocol in force from 1.7.2006 and with amendments to Articles 9 and 27 of the Convention and to Appendices B (CIM), E (CUI), F (APTU) and G (ATMF) of the Convention adopted by the Revision Committee at its 24th session as well as Report by the Secretariat of OTIF on the revisions to COTIF since the 5th General Assembly of OTIF, Protocol of 3 June 1999 amending the Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF) of 9 May 1980 (1999 Protocol) COTIF law and EC law April 5, 2006 Protocol Vilnius+COTIF+Apendici A-G Protocol Vilnius 1999 Conventia Privind Transporturile internationale (COTIF 1999) CIV - Apendice A la Conventie (C O T I F 1999) Protokol iz Viljnusa 1999 Protokol o prednostima i nepovredivosti OTIF-a CIV CIM RID CUV APTU CUI ATMF Dodatak A Dodatak B Dodatak C Dodatak D Dodatak F Dodatak E Dodatak G 01.07.2006 stupaju na snagu sledeci dodaci the CIV Uniform Rules except Articles 1, 2, 5, 6, 16, 26 to 39, 41 to 53 and 56 to 60; (c) the CIM Uniform Rules except Articles 1, 5, 6 §§ 1 and 2, Articles 8, 12, 13 § 2, Articles 14, 15 §§ 2 and 3, Article 19 §§ 6 and 7 and Articles 23 to 27, 30 to 33, 36 to 41 and 44 to 48; par starptautiskajiem dzelzceļa pārvadājumiem (COTIF)" izsludināts "Latvijas Vēstnesī" Nr.200/207, 22.06.1999. Convention Concerning International Carriage By Rail (COTIF) from 9 th May, 1980. Version applicable as from 1 st November, 1996. Consolidated Text Of The Convention Concerning International Carriage By Rail (COTIF) COTIF 1999 UR CIM, Appendix B to the requirements in Article 1 § 4 CIM or Article 1 § 3 CIV are fulfilled: Rail + COTIF/CIM and CIV Agreement (the carriage by sea COTIF was modified by a Protocol signed in Vilnius on 3 June 1999.
Det reviderade fördraget är i huvud-sak tillfredsställande från svensk synpunkt.
OTIF - Transportstyrelsen
CIV-avtal – bihang A (CIV) till COTIF (fördraget om internationell järnvägstrafik). c. nationell lagstiftning, i de fall den är lag om ansvar i spårtrafik (113/1999) av Å Mellgren · 2015 — CIV. COTIF 1999. Fördraget om internationell järnvägstrafik av den 9 maj 1980 i dess lydelse enligt ändrings- protokollet av den 3 juni 1999.
JURIDICUM Trepartsrelationer på järnvägsmarknaden - DiVA
(VILNIUS enhetliga rättsreglerna CIV och i de enhetliga rättsreglerna CIM.”.
COTIF · Protocol of 3 June 1999 for the Modification of the Convention concerning International
luggage or in or on board vehicles within the meaning of Article 12 of the CIV of entry into force of the Protocol of 3 June 1999 modifying the Convention
(COTIF) z 9. května 1980 (Protokol 1999).
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Edition 1 August COTIF 1999 9 COTIF Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail Appendix А CIV Uniform Rules concerning the Contract of International Carriage of Passengers 5 COTIF 1999 Vilnius Protocol 1999 COTIF Appendix A CIV Appendix B CIM Appendix C RID Appendix D UR CUV Appendix E UR CUI Appendix F UR APTU Appendix G UR ATMF par starptautiskajiem dzelzceļa pārvadājumiem (COTIF)" izsludināts "Latvijas Vēstnesī" Nr.200/207, 22.06.1999. Convention Concerning International Carriage By Rail (COTIF) from 9 th May, 1980. Version applicable as from 1 st November, 1996.
for International . Carriage of . Passengers by Rail .
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Övriga ändringar. I artikel 30.2 CIV respektive i artikel 14.2 CUI 3 чер. 1999 (КОТІФ) згідно з текстом Протоколу змін від 3 червня 1999 року із цими Єдиними правилами; на це вказує скорочення CIV (ЦІВ);. imajući u vidu neophodnost razvoja COTIF-a iz 1980, odnosno Jednoobraznih pravila CIV i Jednoobraznih pravila CIM, da bi se uskladio sa novim potrebama Relativa aos Transportes Internacionais Ferroviários (COTIF) e Regras Uniformes CIV e CIM, Protocolo de 3 de Junho de 1999 (aprovado pelo Decreto n. 1999 om endring av Overenskomst om internasjonal jernbanetrafikk (COTIF) avtale om internasjonal transport av reisende på jernbanene (CIV - Bilag A til COTIF - Convenzione di Berna (1980 - 1999).
SOU 2004:092 En samlad järnvägslagstiftning. Cotif-bilaga
Version applicable as from 1 st November, 1996.
Von der das COTIF 1980, insbesondere die Einheitlichen Rechtsvorschriften CIV und die COTIF 1999 is intended to be more of a living document undergoing frequent provides new versions of the CIV Uniform Rules (Appendix A to COTIF. 1999) COTIF (3.6.1999) in force since 1 July 2006 the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of OTIF and CIM (Appendix B) – CIV (Appendix A), RID (Appendix C, BOE-A-2006-11199 Instrumento de ratificación del Protocolo de 1999 por el que se (COTIF) de 9 de mayo de 1980, hecho en Vilna el 3 de junio de 1999. en virtud de las Reglas uniformes CIV 1980 o de las Reglas uniformes CIM 1980,&nb 11 May 2018 internationaux ferroviaires (History of the CIM, CIV, COTIF and of 9 May 1980, as amended by the Vilnius Protocol of 3 June 1999. — Official Delar av COTIF 1999 tillämpas redan i Sverige genom att passagerarförordningen1 tillämpas, och den införlivar stora delar av CIV (bihang A till COTIF 1999). Protocol Vilnius+COTIF+Apendici A-G · Protocol Vilnius 1999 · Conventia Privind Transporturile internationale (COTIF 1999) · CIV - Apendice A la Conventie Конвенция о международных железнодорожных перевозках (КОТИФ) ( Берн, 9 мая 1980 г.) (в редакции Протокола об изменениях от 3 июня 1999 г.) Übereinkommen über den internationalen Eisenbahnverkehr (COTIF) vom 9.